“Informative”, “helpful” and “useful" – these are the words newly diagnosed women use to describe the Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition’s Step by Step support pack, according to a recent analysis of feedback.

Since 2010, BCAC has distributed more than 3000 Step by Step support packs to New Zealanders diagnosed with breast cancer.

The support packs include an information booklet on breast cancer, a diary to record details of a breast cancer treatment programme and a journal for women to record their thoughts and feelings.

More than 150 people have responded to a request for feedback and all those who provided comments had positive things to say. 

The most commonly used terms were “informative” and “helpful”. One woman described Step by Step as “inspiring and practical – a godsend”.

Many comments received were also along these lines: “Excellent information. It helped me in making decisions as I could ask the right questions, thank you very, very much.”

BCAC Deputy Chair, Dr Chris Walsh, says it’s great to see Step by Step getting such fantastic feedback.

“This feedback shows that Step by Step is hitting the spot by giving women the information they need when they are newly diagnosed.

“It’s providing practical and emotional solace for women and helps to ease the fear of the unknown when you’re told you have breast cancer.”

Chris says many women also use Step by Step in innovative and unusual ways.

For example, rather than use the journal to record her thoughts and feelings, BCAC committee member, Julie Graham had friends and family use it to record their thoughts and messages of support.

Chris says BCAC would like to hear from other women who’ve used Step by Step in different ways and from anyone who has ideas on how to improve the resource.  If you have any ideas, please email us

BCAC also wants to ensure that Step by Step is available in as many parts of the country as possible. If you know of a cancer centre where Step by Step is not available, please let us know.