Advanced or metastatic breast cancer is when the breast cancer cells spread from the breast to other parts of the body. This leads to the development of cancer in other areas, such as the liver, bone, lungs or brain.

There is no known cure for advanced breast cancer so facing a diagnosis can be scary. You may be thinking “how long do I have?”, “why me?”, and “it’s not fair”.

You will not know exactly what the future holds, but for many women the disease can be well controlled and they live full, happy and productive lives.

On these pages you can find out more about advanced breast cancer, the treatment options, places you can get further support and stories from others who have the disease.

To celebrate International Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day on 13 October… click for more
The Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition (BCAC) in partnership with Sweet Louise,… click for more
There are many different treatment programmes for women with advanced breast… click for more
Many women say the diagnosis of advanced breast cancer is often harder to deal… click for more
Advanced breast cancer is a difficult diagnosis to deal with. It can also be… click for more
There are a number of organisations which provide specific support and… click for more
The Metavivors NZ Facebook group was set up by BCAC in early 2014 to provide a… click for more
Each year in New Zealand more than 400 women and men will be diagnosed with… click for more
A powerful group united for better treatment and medicines access Metavivors NZ… click for more
More treatment options are needed to extend and improve the lives of New… click for more