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Media Release of the Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition and Lung Foundation New Zealand
BCAC and Lung Foundation NZ media release, 3 May 2019
BCAC and Lung Foundation NZ media release, 30 April 2019
Health advocacy groups and individuals will present strongly worded petitions to Parliament on 7 May demanding proper funding of medicines.
Breast Cancer Aotearoa Coalition media release, 23 April 2019: PHARMAC has refused funding for Kadcyla, an important drug that has recently had a high media and public profile.
Media release: A powerful group of women will be speaking at the Health Select Committee on 13 and 20 March to describe how traumatic it is for them to know that medicines that would give them longer lives aren’t approved for funding in New Zealand.
In an exciting breakthrough, a very important protein has been discovered that predicts whether a breast cancer patient is going to respond successfully to endocrine therapy or chemotherapy.
A tool based on the protein is now being developed, to enable clinicians to make more precise and reliable decisions about treatment.
Health Select Committee hearings underway, in response to public march to Parliament
Media release
Women with terminal breast cancer will be sharing their heartfelt stories with MPs about the dire struggles they face while they wait and hope for important medicines to be funded.
The women will have their voices heard at two meetings of Parliament’s Health Select Committee (HSC) where they will describe why they need the drugs and the impact of not having them on themselves and their families.
A powerful group united for better treatment and medicines access
Metavivors NZ is a private Facebook group where women with advanced breast cancer communicate with each other about how they are doing, and share comfort and information.