Event Date

It’s been a busy year in the ‘breast cancer space’! Come along to BCAC’s Online Annual General Meeting at 6.30pm on Tuesday 21 November 2023, to hear what’s been happening and reconnect with fellow members of BCAC. Here’s the ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89962287201?pwd=UTdleXdRZG43MUtjb1g1VlgwWml5dz09

Please click on the following links to see these documents for the meeting: Agenda; Minutes of the last AGM; List of Nominees for the Committee; Notice of a Motion to replace the Constitution with a new revised version that takes recent law changes into account; Proxy form. You can read our 2023 Annual Report here and our 2022/23 Audited Performance Report here

If you cannot attend the meeting, please fill in the proxy form and return it to us ASAP or email bcac@breastcancer.org.nz to ask for an electronic form to sign.

Looking forward to catching up with you all.