Event Date


The decision to have, or not have, breast reconstruction is a very personal one.

You are invited to attend an upcoming webinar, Thinking about breast reconstruction? presented by the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ (BCFNZ) with Dr Krishna Clough, Mr Burton King, Miss Ineke Meredith, Mr David Glasson and Mr Marcus Bisson.

This webinar is a little different from previous BCFNZ ones - it will be a live streaming of a breast reconstruction awareness event which is taking place at the Wharewaka Function Centre in Wellington. It's also a bit longer - 90 minutes - and will feature a larger panel, but you will still get to ask questions at the end.

More information on how to register and the panel can be found here.


When: Wednesday 5 July, 6:40 - 8 pm

Where: Online - wherever you like!

Presented by: Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

What will you get out of this session?

This session will give you a chance to hear a more in-depth discussion about what's involved in breast reconstruction. The last thirty minutes of the session will take the form of a Q&A, where our experts will anwser your most pressing questions that you send in throughout the talk

Register here.